Archive for November 29th, 2008

Tarot Card for the Day ~ November 30

November 29, 2008

Eight Of Spears


The White Hart


As I have said before, “Ah, yes.  Another card wherein my interpretation veers semi-wildly off in a direction of its own.”  My offering about this card is based on a Shamanic Journey I once did asking about its meaning. (To find out more about Journeying, see the post before this one.) 


Other readers give this card meanings like speed, action, movement toward opportunity, a test of skill, and an adventure.  It’s considered a good omen.  So if any of those are what you need today, by all means grab ’em and run!      


I see the Eight of Spears as the card of utter, total complete liberation.  It’s an indicator that it is time for you to explore for yourself:


how it is that you may give yourself

more freedom to

go where you want to go

when you want to go there

by the means and

at the speed of your own choosing.


Given that, you KNOW my questions if you were my client would start with something like, “SO!  How are you keeping yourself confined?  How are you confining yourself in ways that are no longer appropriate for who you have become and what you may give to the world?  How can you open yourself to a liberation − in your thinking, your behavior, your belief in what is possible and your understanding of how you may go about achieving that possibility?”


At the moment, I’m working on the possibility of trying to interview one of my true idols for a speculative fiction (SF/Fantasy) ’zine.  Right now I’m in the phase of working on the, uh, uh, the… cojones to even make the approach.  But I’ll kick myself if I don’t, and don’t move soon.  So, time to Eight of Spears my way forward.  (And what the heck. If the author says no, I’ll always have the email rejection to treasure.)    


I’ll let you know how that comes out.  But it is an indication that one way in which you may need to try something different is to just freakin’ go for it.  It may be a little uncomfortable, but at least it’s owning who you are and freeing yourself up so you can move along YOUR path.    


How can you liberate yourself, your creativity, your spirit today?


Bright blessings!     

Shamanic Journey? Wossat?

November 29, 2008

The Shamanic Journey:

A Brief Introduction


Shamanism has been called the first spiritual practice of humanity.  For tens of thousands of years, its ways have helped with personal and community evolution, intuitive development and divination.  It has been effective in work to heal the self, the community and the planet.  Shamanism is a generous and caring path.  Its power is to be used respectfully and only for good.  It can support and sustain positive personal growth and enhanced spiritual connectedness.  


What It Is


An element of the sacred traditions of peoples from every inhabited land, journeying is a powerful meditative state.  It takes us into a very special level of consciousness that helps us work more deeply with intuitive and spiritual guidance. Prolonged hypnotic drumming is used to promote relaxation and the experience of a trance-like visionary awareness.


Why It=s Done


Through journeying, we may find that our normal world is not the most Areal@ world we can experience. The alternative realms of Spirit, of our visions and dreams, also can be real, accessible, tangible.  Spirit travel can open the door to an awareness that there are other realities, other worlds.  These other worlds are sources of the energy, creativity, passion and love that power the everyday world we know.  Finding our way there can be a blessing that brings us wisdom and self-empowerment in a positive, healing way.


How It=s Done


Journeying is often done lying down, with the eyes closed.  It also can be done while sitting, standing, walking, running, dancing, singing, chanting, or any combination of the above.  It has been said, AIf you can visualize, you can learn to journey.@


While in a trance-like state, a Journeyer Atravels@ to other realms.  There are generally three types of journeys that can be undertaken.  One is to a destination called the Lower World, a place of deep, beautiful earthy energy.  Lower World can be a dimension of healing and self- empowerment.  The second type is to a destination called the Upper World, a place of light bright energy.  Upper World can be a place of wisdom and teaching.  The third destination is the Middle World, a place that seems very much like our own reality, here, now.  But in Middle World, Spirit is tangibly present and ready to work with us.


As You Begin…


1.  Be comfortable.  You may lie down, sit or stand.  Breathe easily and deeply.  Close your eyes.  An eye cover may be helpful.  Allow yourself to be enfolded and carried by the rhythm of the drum.  If you like, you may softly pray, chant or sing as you begin.


2.  Focus on a specific intent or mission such as A I want to meet and ask advice of my Spirit Helpers@ or AI want to talk with my Guardian Angel@ or AI want to work on healing for myself@ (or for the planet).  Calmly but firmly broadcast your intent ahead of you telepathically.


3.  In journeying, let yourself begin by focusing on and going to a favorite safe, sacred place.  It doesn=t have to exist in ordinary reality.  Many people choose a beautiful or powerful outdoor setting.  From there, look around for an access way, an Aentry port@ into the realm of other realities B or the realm of Spirit, or your alternate universe B whatever you choose to call it.   


To Travel to the Lower World…


Simply look for an entryway into the earth.  There are countless options.  Some Journeyers enter through a cave or animal burrow.  Others fly in through a hollow in a tree.  Some dive into water and swim or walk along the bottom until they find their personal opening Aportal.@ Some even go in via manhole covers, elevators or the cones of volcanoes.  All these ways and more are right if they are right for you.


The entryway often leads to a tunnel that leads Asomewhere else.@  That somewhere else B whatever it may be like B is the Lower World for this journey.


As you are carried by the sound of the drum, let yourself explore this wonderful place, all the while seeking your Spirit Helper(s).  Lower World often has a loving, earthy feel.  Some find it helps connect them to an ancestral tribal heritage.  It is frequently inhabited by Spirit Guides who are deeply connected to Mother Earth: natural and Amythical@ animals, indigenous peoples or elfin creatures.


When you encounter a being in your traveling B whether human, animal, angel or other spirit B ask it if it is in fact your Spirit Guide, Helper, Teacher or Power Animal.  If it replies negatively, ask if it can direct you to your Guide.  If it is your Helper, ask its name, what wisdom it has for you, why is it in your life, what you can/should work on together.  Then, let your Journey proceed, doing as your Helper directs.  


To End a Journey


When you hear the callback rhythm of the drum B a sound like four insistent rappings on a door B or when you feel you have completed your Journey=s intent, tell your Helper(s) that you must return to ordinary reality.  Thank them for their assistance and care.  A series of light, rapid drumbeats will follow.  During this rhythm, allow yourself to drift easily, gently, fully back into your body.  Reverse the path you took during your spirit travel.  There will then be a second series of the four Arappings on the door.@  That=s the time to let yourself really reconnect with your body.  Have a good stretch.  Slowly, gently open your eyes.  Come back into ordinary realty.


To Work in the Upper World…


Begin by following steps 1-3 above.  Then, simply look for Aa way up.@   Some people turn into mist or smoke and rise.  Some climb a great tree and step off at the right branch.  Some travel on magic carpets or are lifted by great birds (or tiny birds).  Some simply float upward.


Most Journeyers encounter a thick cloud gate or other boundary that must be pushed through.  This is the wall that separates Upper World from ordinary reality.  For some, it takes a bit of work to get through.


The inhabitants of Upper World often appear as beings of light, angelic beings, or saint-like teachers.  They may take the form of departed people or beloved animals who have wisdom to share.


As in Lower World, when you encounter a being, ask if it is your Spirit Helper.  If it=s not, ask for direction to your Guide.  If it is, ask what its wisdom is for you, what its purpose is in your life, what you need to work on together.  And, in your Journey, begin the work.


When you hear the callback rhythm of the drum, repeat the process to end the journey outlined above. 





To Journey Well


Learn to work with your Spirit Helper(s).  They have infinite wisdom and infinite power to guide and protect you in the realm of Spirit.  Never undertake spirit travel without an intent, or mission. (Your intent need be nothing more than to visit with your Helper.) Always try to connect with your Helper as soon as you reach the spirit Realm.  Always ask your Helper=s permission to work on the particular intent you have set.  There may be times when you find the mission you propose is not possible or not permitted at this time.  Always honor such guidance.


If you ever feel threatened or challenged by Spirit Beings, simply try to walk around whatever blocks you.  If the challenge persists, retrace your steps and begin again.  If the challenge is repeated, assume this is a signal your mission has been denied, for this journey.  If, however, you have already connected with your Spirit Helper in the journey, ask how to handle the challenge, and carefully follow the advice you are given.


Your intent should be clear and fairly simple.  It can be to seek the answer to a question or to request help with an area of self-empowerment, personal growth or healing.  If your intent is to find information, don=t ask simple yes/no questions.  Instead of AShould I take this job?,@ ask APlease show me what my life will be like if I take the job.@


Spirit travel is one of the most beautiful, powerful, sacred gifts offered to humanity.  It can bring new depth, joy, clarity and hope to life.


May your travels be sweet!  Bright blessings on your path.


Recommended Reading


Soul Retrieval – Sandra Ingerman

Welcome Home – Sandra Ingerman

Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner’s Guide – Sandra Ingerman

Conscious Dreaming – Robert Moss

The Way of the Shaman – Michael Harner

Shamanism as a Spiritual Practice for Daily Life – Tom Cowan


If you feel you=d like to explore spirit travel through guided imagery, look for my CD, Shaman’s Path, Guided Meditations. (If nowhere else, it’s available through New Leaf Distributing Company at


© Stephen Neal Szpatura 2003, 2006, 2008


Tarot Card for the Day ~ November 29

November 29, 2008

[You know it’s been a rough day when, as you get ready to pull the card for tomorrow, you hear a scratchy little voice say, “Aw, buggrit.  Give ’em the Death card with no explanation.  Let ’em figure out what to do with THAT.”  Sigh.  By the way, if you haven’t read Good Omens, the Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, you really should.  It’s a Monty Python apocalypse.  Perfect for the holidays. Especially this year.]


And now back to our regularly scheduled Tarot Card for the Day.



King of Spears


King Pellinore


In Anna-Marie Ferguson’s Legend, the Arthurian Tarot, the King of Spears is a mature man of wisdom, someone with humor and theatrical flair.  [No.  A MATURE man.]  So keep an eye out for that kind of energy today, or seek to embody it yourself.


I see the King of Spears as the card of the Renaissance Man (or Renaissance Woman).  Look for (in someone else), or better still, give yourself permission to have a restless, joyful, driving curiosity that you allow to take you toward many different fascinations. 

Here’s a picture of a typical Renaissance Person:

The Renaissance Person wants to learn

~ French cooking and

~ Feng Shui and  

~ shamanic healing and

~ judo and

~ astrology and

~ Thai massage and

~ classical guitar and

~ how to make money day trading and

~ how to build a PC by hand and

~ wants to design a line of greeting cards and

~ wants to write a play for Broadway and

so on. 

And will do so.  All of it.


But remember, a true Renaissance Person is not just a dibbler-dabbler in lots of things.  The characteristic that distinguishes the Renaissance person is a real commitment to explore deeply, to develop true expertise in many areas that appeal.  Deeper learning and wisdom, not just faking it or cramming to get by, are required here.

So, if you were to really own up to the Renaissancer in you, what interests, skills, and wisdom would you go after?  Which one first?  How can you start today?

Brightest blessings!