Archive for November 23rd, 2008

Tarot Card for the Day ~ November 24

November 23, 2008

The Fool



I’m really grateful this card came up for today, for prolly more reasons than I can count.  But one reason for sure is the gloominess I’ve perceived in so many wonderful people, friends as well as clients, the last few days.  It’s as though folks are responding to current energy by lassoing their own private little storm clouds, knotting them in place just above their heads and walking around chanting that ever-so-helpful mantra, “Life sucks.  Life sucks.  Life sucks.”  

If these are in fact transformational times (and they are), that is ZACKLY the wrong thing to do!

So, back to the card.  The Fool: this card does not mean that you are a fool or are inevitably going to be foolish today ~ at least not in the way our culture perceives foolishness.  I call this The Joseph Campbell card.  It’s the card that says, “You.  You.  Yeah, you.  FOLLOW YOUR BLISS.  NOW!  With joy, and hope, and excitement.  NOW!

So it’s the card that offers you permission to go off on your personal quest, just like Percivale did.  The important aspect (and for some of us, hard work) is to actually know what our bliss is.  And for some of us, when times are bumpy, that’s the first thing that goes RIGHT out the window.  So, as I have written before, this is the somewhat rambling response I’ve given to a few clients when they’ve asked. “What the hell does that mean?”

  • Start by knowing what your heart’s true desire is. If necessary, take some time to hone your understanding of what that means to you, for today, anyway. 
  • Then, no matter how impossible or illogical it may seem (i.e., I’m gonna write a children’s story about an orphan boy who goes to a school for wizards, and it’s going to be so beautifully done it’s going to earn me enough to support myself and my family for the rest of my life.  Like that could ever happen!) take your first single small step on the path that follows your bliss. 
  • And see what that leads to. 
  • Then take that next step. 
  • And see what that leads to.  And so on.

The difference between The Fool and some other Tarot cards that offer permission to follow your own unique path is that The Fool in particular says, “Stay connected to your heart, moment by moment.  Know that your heart may change, and so your direction may change, moment by moment.  But DO NOT allow yourself to think less of yourself, your efforts or your path because of that.  Go where your heart tells you and you will achieve more than most will ever even hope for.”

This is the card of the Sacred Fool, the Holy Fool.  The one who is open to divine inspiration and honors it by following his or her bliss, harm to none and love for all, always.

Let me give you an idea of how The Fool’s gift applied to me just last evening. 

I was watching one of the shows in the second season of “Torchwood” (if you haven’t picked up on that BBC series, I think you’re missing something. But start with the first season on DVD.)  One of the characters made the point, in a way that hit me harder than I remember that humans on Earth are almost always at war. We tell ourselves that we are fighting “the war to end war for all time.”  Over and over and over.   

And I was really shaken.  Because, for just a moment, I had a glimpse of humans, with our nearly angelic powers and potentials, side by side with the reality of how we ignore that infinite goodness, or maybe even worse, use it in ways that are just plain stupid, moment by moment.

And I got the very clear message that we are following old habits, old programming, NOT following our bliss. Not honoring that which is angelic in us.  Not reaching for that which is our Highest and Best.  But we can if we choose to.

And then I came into the office and drew The Fool card and found such blessing in the message that there IS the possibility of doing it all differently

 IF we know our hearts truly

 IF we honor that which truly resonates for the Highest and Best,

which is always one with OUR Highest and Best;  

 IF we follow our bliss.

Wishing you a day of magic and the sacred.

Brightest Blessings!

Tarot Card for the Day ~ November 23

November 23, 2008

Ace of Swords


Sword of Strange Hangings


All together now:


Aces in any Tarot deck are cards of a new beginning.




~ How can you (how do you need to) begin your life anew, today, right now?

~ What changes can you begin, even in ways that may seem small? 

~ What potentials can you believe in, hope for, reach for and remember?

When this card comes up in a reading, I tell the client, “Your new beginning has to do with going on an adventure, of giving yourself permission to go after something that really sets your heart and soul on fire.  Please understand, it may be that your undertaking of this quest will involve the release of some element of your life that no longer serves you.  Should you find that to be the case, strive to let the release be as quick and clean as possible, a very skillful surgery.”

I’ll stand by that set of interpretations.  But as I’ve worked with clients who have had this card come up, I’ve also come to perceive that the adventure, the new beginning and the release tend to have an aspect of destiny to them: we often find that the person has reached a point where they must make some choices to move forward in order to evolve as their life offers them the potential to do.  And what I often see is, in doing so, they do very well to remember that even big changes can be initiated and made without creating negative karma. 

(By the way, I have also found that this card betokens a positive outcome for skillfully undertaken literal surgery.  And for some people the adventure, and the release, can involve a kind of romantic healing.)

What is your new beginning?  What adventure does your destiny call you to beginning today?  And how can you undertake your quest in a way that is firm, yet considerate of the law What Goes Around Comes Around ?


Bright blessings!