Archive for November 13th, 2008

Tarot Card for the Day ~ November 14

November 13, 2008

The Judgment



This is what I had to say about this card when it came up on October 4:


“Different decks portray ~ and different readers interpret ~ this card in exceptionally different ways.


When The Judgment appears I’m likely to tell my client, “Look. Really. There are powerful, helpful people who would be happy to work with you, who perhaps are actually looking for you.  But they can’t find you where you usually are.  There are wonderful, transformational experiences waiting for you.  But they can’t happen where you are, in the rhythm of your life as you currently live it. 


“You’ve got to go new places, meet new people, do new things!”


So entice yourself out of your rut.  Shop at different stores, from grocers to clothiers to where you get your lottery tickets.  Go to different movies at different theaters.  Eat at different restaurants, write at different coffee bars.  Don’t let yourself stagnate where you are.  Reach out for your destiny!”

That all applies again today, of course.  But one of the important things to remember as you do all kinds of wonderful new things is to stay grounded, especially if you’re going to let yourself step out and take a few risks in your life.


One of the marketing gurus I admire most is a guy named Seth Godin.  He’s brilliant, he’s outrageous, he’s infuriating, he’s way ahead of every curve (when he’s not creating the curve himself), and he’s often as funny in his teaching as a good Monty Python routine − which is probably what REALLY drew me to him in the first place.  (Neal thinks to self in book store, “Ahhhh!  Any marketing guy who titles a book All Marketers are Liars has to be worth a look, yes?”  Yes!)  He just wrote a useful, maybe important blog post for times like today.  It’s called “Too Good to Be True:  The Overnight Millionaire Scam.”  If you click on his name, you should go directly to that blog post. Just in case that doesn’t work, it’s at



I hope you’ll take a look.  And then use his insights as well as your own to move yourself to the NEW creative, happy and hopeful places your superb service on behalf of others can take you!  


Bright blessings!  

Tarot Card for the Day ~ November 13

November 13, 2008

Ace of Spears


The Grail Lance


Okay, here we go with another Ace already, two days in a row. 


Yo!  Who’s not taking the whole new beginning thing seriously?  You?  Maybe you over there?  Me?  ME?  Who said that?  Mind your manners.  This is my blog and if decorum is going to be violated, I’ll do the violating, thankyew!  (Hmm….  That didn’t sound so good.  Lemme think about that for a minute.)


Anyway, as you’ve heard me say before, Aces in any Tarot deck are cards of a new beginning.  Therefore (repeat along with me):


~ How can you (how do you need to) begin your life anew, today, right now?

~ What changes can you begin, even in small ways? 

~ What potentials can you believe in, hope for, reach for and remember?

In any session any reader would most likely tell you that this card indicates a breakthrough or a beginning of a new venture.  I add a specific twist.  Because of the artwork of the card in the Legend deck, I tell clients that they would do well to go after their new beginning directly and assertively, like any positive, self-assured man (or woman warrior) would do.

So, having identified the new beginning that would bring you the most joy, hope and light, what small but meaningful steps can you take to go after it DIRECTLY?  And try being a little ballsy about it, whydontcha?


Bright blessings!