Archive for the ‘Thoughts for Chewing Over’ Category

A Special Anniversary

April 29, 2012
April 29, 1968 – 
opens on Broadway.

and a real Oldie Goldie
Couldn’t help meself.

Something to think about

April 3, 2012

Election Day Wisdom?

November 2, 2010
Earlier today I was driving through one of Cleveland’s inner ring suburbs.  On one major thoroughfare I passed a two-block long roiling hotbed of political signage.  There were dozens upon dozens of signs planted next to each other, above each other, around each other every two feet or so, red white and blue upon blue white and red, competing for space.
At the very end of the visual tumult as I headed east was one last sign, in black and white, just a touch larger than the rest.  It said:
Go to 

Newsletter from a Brilliant Teacher

October 30, 2010

Hi, All,
I’m forwarding this little e-newsletter from Myron Eshowky, one of my most treasured teachers and a truly amazing person.
I can’t say strongly enough how much I wish that each of you will have the opportunity to meet, work with and learn from him.
Blessings and light,
[PS I’ve highlighted a few things.]

Sent: 10/30/2010 2:33:05 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Newsletter



Dear Circle,

It has been an exciting few months which I want to share a bit with you as well as update you on topics of interest to many of you. I just returned from the U.S. premiere of the feature documentary film, Jane’s Journey, at the Hampton International Film Festival. It is a beautiful,spiritually moving and uplifting film about the life and work of Jane Goodall. Jane’s work as a peacemaker is an inspiration to us all and many of you may be interested in the work of the Jane Goodall Institute and Roots and Shoots. I was honored to have an in depth personal meeting with Jane at the film festival and consider that meeting one of the highlights of my life. I encourage all of you to see this inspirational film when it comes to your community.

Next year,I will be teaching/working on a number of international peace projects in Israel and Palestinian territories as well as a number of international conflict resolution conferences. Additionally, I will be offering an intensive training in advanced shamanic practice for psychotherapists/helping professionals. Additional workshops will be listed in the website,,and I recommend checking the site from time to time. People wishing to contact me for personal healing, consultation or mediation may do so  through the website.

Let me highlight a few things for your interest.

1. A number of previously published articles have now been added to the website,, and
may be printed/shared with others. A new article on Healing Despair/Restoring Hope will be posted soon so keep your eyes out for the new blog posting.

2. Peace with Cancer:Shamanism as a Spiritual Approach to Cancer continues to sell well and has turned a profit. A Kindle version of the book will be available soon via A number of libraries throughout the country have bought copies of the book and may be available for lending in your community. [Lots of wisdom in this book! ~ Neal]

3. A year long training in Advanced Shamanic Practice for Psychotherapists/Helping Professionals will begin in February 2011.
The training offers a new format from similar previous trainings. Client specific topics will be explored as context for learning healing methods. Examples of these topics includes but is not limited to:

a.Spiritual delusion and madness: tools for understanding delusion and methods for bringing certain clients out of states of disorganization.
b.An exploration of the range of traumatic experiences people encounter and the possibilities and limitations of soul retrieval work. Soul retrieval will be taught as part of a 3 day focus on this topic.
c.Peace work as a model for treating grief,despair,illness (physical,mental,emotional).
d.Use of ceremonies/rituals as treatment for collective community mental health issues.
e.Spiritual nature of addiction/compulsion and approaches for addressing these issues.
f.Healing work with cancer including the notion of cancer as metaphor for the spiritual human condition.

For more information, contact:, and a full description will be sent to you. This training will be in Madison,Wisconsin and surrounding area and participants will be expected to work on their own personal issues in the context of the training. Enrollment will be limited to 8-10 participants and an application is required for acceptance.

4. Men’s Vision Quest program led by Myron  will be in August 2011 and accepting applications now. A women’s only program led by an experienced shamanic practitioner and quester will be offered next summer as well. The women’s quest will be held in early July. Both vision quest programs will be in Black River Falls,Wisconsin. To express your interest in questing or for more information, contact us at

5.Magic of Shamanic Journeying workshops held in Madison,Wisconsin. Myron will be offering a number of one day workshops in shamanic journeying and healing throughout the year with 100 per cent of the fees being donated to various causes. The first one being held December 4 and December 5, 2010 will go to support international work to prevent violence in the name of religion. In March 2011, the next event of this type will raise funds in support of Roots and Shoots/Jane Goodall programs (specific funding to Pine Ridge Reservation programs,Zimbabwe,and other international sites of need). All fees will be tax deductible.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone who supported the special healing event held in September during the Jewish Days of Awe. Several hundred dollars was donated to Common Bond Institute, the Department of Peace campaign,
and Unicef.

Wishing you all a very blessed and joyous day,



Our mailing address is:
313 Price Place Room 206

Our telephone

A Web Site Worth Viewing

October 21, 2010


Hi, All,
My best buddy Herbert Ascherman, Jr. is one of the finest portrait photographers in the world.  I’m very excited that he has a stunningly beautiful new web site up and cooking.  More, a few of us have persuaded him to begin a blog as well.
I hope you’ll take a few moments sometime soon to visit his web site [you can use this link: Ascherman Photography  ] and that you’ll subscribe to his blog as well [you can find it at this link [  ].  Full disclosure: I’m helping him out a bit with the blog.  Obviously not with the grammar.
Blessings and wonder,


Yes. I Do Weddings

February 16, 2009


 I Do Weddings


It has been one of those interesting days.  It began with me receiving one of those goofy, “You are the spawn of Satan and MY Lord Jesus will smite your evil butt unless you repent,” kinda emails.  [Poor Jesus.  The garbage people do thinking it’s in HIS name.]

Then I got this lovely note from a dear fellow and friend at whose wedding I was recently privileged to officiate (I’m a licensed minister in the state of Ohio).

I’ve changed the names to protect the privacy of the writer and his family.

Speaking of frighteningly good, if we had a decent copy of the ceremony on video (and the copy we do have I haven’t seen yet), you could use it as resume.  I have received so many compliments on the job you did as our officiate that I can’t begin to quote them all.  To which I only say, “I knew he’d be good, I didn’t know he’d be that good!”  Thanks again for a truly amazing job.  We’ve gotten a ton of praise for the ceremony as a whole, and you were a big part of that.  Comments like (no lie, this), “it was the best wedding I’ve ever been to” are not uncommon.  Wow.  I wasn’t expecting things to be that good, either.’  

And the day got beautiful again!

Bright blessings!

Some Prayerwork for Healing

January 10, 2009

Some Prayerwork


I’m currently working with a couple clients who are pushing back hard and brilliantly against illness.

In my dreamwork invocation the other night, I asked, “Please give me a prayer that can truly help CURE illness.”

Just before I fell asleep, this is what I heard:

Help me love myself.

Help me love my life.

Help me treat life lovingly.

Help me treat my life lovingly.


Of course, then, if you wished to make affirmations of this, you might try


I love myself.

I love my life.

I treat life lovingly.

I treat my life lovingly.  


Brightest blessings!

Staying Positive

December 18, 2008

Staying Positive


The comment below came from my friend Ginny in response to the Card for December 15 (Wheel of Fortune/Arthur’s Dream).

We thought it might be useful for everybody, so here it is as a post, along with my response.


Okay, as Neal would say, “All together now…”  Don’t watch the news. Listen to only music on the radio. Don’t read the newspaper (except for the comics!). And, stop reading Yahoo’s master page with news. It’s all depressing and none of it serves to bring in light. Instead, spend time with good friends and family, but ONLY those that are optimistic.

                                                                   ~ Ginny


Dear Ginny ~ Yup!  Pretty much!

To elaborate:

A lot of “spiritual path” material − over the last 20 years  at least − has suggested that taking a news fast (and even complete media fast) can be useful to bring back balance and even optimism.

And the two or three most functionally effective spiritual healers I know seem to almost never have watched the news or read the morning paper.  They’re up to date on the major things going on (maybe ’cos they’re so psychic, I dunno) but they never know what’s on the front page of the Times or what Bill O’Reilly said.

So UNLESS you’re going to willingly, CONSCIOUSLY take on the role of sending light to/energetically transforming the stuff you’re reading about (and that can be a worthy and loving endeavor), less news is prolly not a bad idea. Maybe start by doing an every other day news fast for a couple weeks and see what happens?

Bright blessings!

Buddha and Gift Giving

December 10, 2008

Buddha and Gift Giving


My friend Judy is a wonderful writer and a truly caring soul.  She has some valuable things to say about holiday gift giving, especially this year.  Please click on her name to link to her blog. 


Brighter blessings still!

Circles and Networks:Always Upgrade

November 28, 2008

Circles and Networks:

 Always Upgrade


In her wonderful book, Your Sixth Sense, Belleruth Naparstek has a chapter titled, “Specific Things You Can Do to Cultivate and Maintain Psi,” Psi being psychic ability.   The third thing on her list of things is, “Keep like company.”  In other words, hang out with others who have the same intense interests and goals as you.  Whether your passion is for intuitive development, artistic creativity, entrepreneurial achievement or whatever else, Belleruth’s insight is a valuable ground rule to set for yourself as you make plans for networking and gathering in circle during the holidays and the New Year to come.

In fact, I’d suggest you take things a step farther.  There’s an old saying: You become what you behold.  So find ways to be in the energy you are striving to become.  Be among those who have accomplished what you hope to achieve, in all the ways you seek to achieve it. 

If growing your intuition is important to you, be with people who have shown a clear, consistent, demonstrable and clean (non-manipulative) psychic ability that is significantly beyond your current capacity. 

If artistry calls to you, be where the kind of art you aspire to create is present and accessible, and find ways to be among the artists who have achieved the kind of work that is most meaningful to you. Join in their circles. Become their student if you can. Go to their shows so that you can become more familiar with them and they with you. 

If owning and running your own SUCCESSFUL business drives you, network with those who are where you hope to be five, ten, twenty years from now.  Purchase their products when you can. Join groups in which they have memberships. See if you can engage them as mentors.

It’s all pretty basic stuff, right? 

So how come it can seem so hard to do? 

Wellllll…  One reason is that it really may be necessary to see and accept − without being judgmental − that your current circles and networks no longer nurture you, assist you or serve you.  That would imply that you have to let go of something old, familiar and oh-so-comfortable in order to go after what your heart and soul seek now. 

In fact, if you’re honest with yourself, you may decide that you have to scramble away from the good ol’ crowd as fast as you can ─ a realization that can have a lot of tugs involved in a lot of directions.  It’s something that’s sometimes just not easy to do.

But look.  We all have to evolve.  Even I had to give away my favorite old pair of Beatle boots (Oh yeah. It still hurts to even think it!) when I finally admitted to myself that my arches had fallen about a mile and I was more than a full shoe size bigger than during the British Invasion.  And besides, the boots looked like hell with Cargo shorts.

So letting go can be the first roadblock to deal with in the process.

Next, you may have to really wrestle to the ground all those decrepit worthiness issues so they stop cutting you off at the knees. After all, you deserve and are intended to continue your personal growth and development in all the ways that are for your highest and best.  Therefore, you are entitled to access the finest teachers and mentors life can offer at any given time. 

You just have to be the one who screws up a little courage and finds a way to break the ice. And most good people and worthwhile circles will be open to the development of a connection if you begin and proceed in a considerate, caring and respectful way.

So accepting that you deserve to go after your dreams biggertime may be a hurdle to be jumped.       

 Then there’s the step where you realize that, as an artist, a healer, a writer, a consultant, an entrepreneur, a person, you are always spiraling upward, and that even the new connections you are hoping to make and the circles you are striving to join or create are destined to become things of the past.  Always be aware that you have the right to examine whether any teacher, any circle is truly meeting your evolving needs.  If not, and there seems little prospect that they can, it’s up to you to continue exploring and move on.

How do you know whether a teacher or circle is right for you ─ or is still right for you?  There are a few simple elements to consider.  The most important is how you usually feel after having been with them:    

~ Truly uplifted, filled with light, energized, hopeful, more accomplished, and at least generally positive? That’s good!  Keep the good energy flowing!

~ Darker, angry, jealous, demeaned, less capable, hopeless, worthless or just really stuck? That’s bad.  They’re Beatle boots, and it’s probably way past time to drop them in the Goodwill bin.

Of course, the implication in all of this is that you’ve done some homework and have begun to develop a strong, pretty clear sense of where you would like to go and how you would like to grow and evolve over the next few years.  If you haven’t, then you might want to begin by identifying and targeting networks and circles that will help you with those aspects of your quest.

Think of it this way: You are a wonderful, shining ever-evolving being.  You exist to spiral upward to higher and higher goodness, creativity, health and achievement for the highest and best of all.  This holiday season and New Year, let yourself find more and more ways to connect with more and more people who resonate – and help you resonate − with hopeful, happier, more profound, more beautiful, more healing vibrations. How can you settle for less?                                                                

Brightest blessings!

©2007, 2008 Stephen Neal Szpatura

An earlier version of this article appeared in Balanced Living Magazine,