About Shaman’s Path

Shaman’s Path provides thoughts on shamanism, dreamwork, spiritual and alternative healing, Tarot, and intuitive development.  And some very short fiction and poetry.


There’s a daily Tarot card for a little intuitive guidance.


It’s my hope the Blog will contribute in a helpful way to offering community and maybe a little fun for spiritual explorers of all kinds. 

All persons of good will are welcome!

7 Responses to “About Shaman’s Path”

  1. Carrie Says:

    Hey –
    Happy last week of the year…and 64 degrees out!

    I’ve been forwarding some of your card readings to a friend who is interested in having a reading done….can you send me the details (price, time, etc) so that I may pass them along to her?!

  2. kathie Says:

    Hi! I’ve been following your blog for quite some time now, and have introduced you to a couple of my friends who are interested in having a reading done. I told them I’d contact you….but the more I thought about it, the more I thought I should inquire for myself, too. Considering I quote you ALL THE TIME, it would be nice to meet the person I’m quoting.

    Could you let me know the details…pricing, times available, your location, etc., so I could get my group…and my plans…together?

    Thanks for reminding me DAILY to own my power. I can’t tell you just how remarkable a change that mind-shift has made in my life. (FAN!)

  3. shamanspath Says:

    Hi, Kathie,

    Wow! Thanks so much. [I may have to print your comment out and do it up as a needlepoint to hang over my computer.]

    I’ll reply about a group session to your email address, and eventually get smart enough to post the info on my blog, too.

    Thanks again, & blessings,


  4. Ginny Says:

    HI Neal:

    I love your daily blogs. I’ve unsubscribed from every other reading on the web. I find yours to be the most insightful, meaningful, and useful.

    You are an amazing and wonderful person and you contribute much to the lives of many.

    Much love,


  5. shamanspath Says:

    Dear Ginny,

    Thank you so very much. I’m overwhelmed. What a kind and generous Solstice gift.

    Hope your year is wonderful and your successes soar.

    Blessings & blessings,


  6. Sheila Says:

    HI Neal,

    I really like your way of interpreting things and it helps me a lot to get in touch with my own path. The connectiions with King Arthur really work fo rme!

    God bless


  7. shamanspath Says:

    Hi, Sheila,

    Thank you so much for your kind note. I find it much easier to work with Anna-Marie Ferguson’s Arthurian deck than with any other. The cards read themselves for me.

    Hope all is lovely.

    Blessings, joy and light,


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