Archive for August, 2010

Tarot Card ~ September 1

August 31, 2010

Three of Spears

The Horse Fair

Fortune Cookie: Own your most amazing and idealistic dreams.  Exert the power YOU possess to pursue them — through very practical means. 

As I have said other times in this blog, I’m not utterly above spooking clients when this card comes up.  I glance at it darkly, lean forward to scan it more carefully, and whisper, 

“Oh Bugger!!” under my breath. 

Or I say: Ahhh… This is a card of very special inspiration

[Then I count to fifteen while thinking:  Let ’em chew on THAT for a while!  Nyah—Nyah! Nyah—Nyah! Nyah!]


Blogging really does allow occasional over-indulgence here, dunnit?  Oh well.

To see the card:  http://strangerealms.

Anyway, once again, please remember that threes in any Tarot deck are power cards, or rather, that the issue the card is addressing is one of power, even if it doesn’t seem so on the surface.  Typically, a three would counsel things like

~ beware power games,

~ be prepared for power struggles,

~ watch out for failure to own your power  −

   or, better,






~ have a care against disempowerment

   in any area of life, whether by the action

   of others, or by your own action

   or inaction 

~ empower yourself

~ empower those you love and believe in

~ accept the challenge of owning ALL of

   what you are and who you can be

Simple, really.  [I keep telling myself that.  Over.  And over.  And over.  And it IS getting better.  A bit.  Sort of.  If you sorta squint, y’know?  Oh well.]

The Three of Spears as I see it is a mentoring-kinda card; it gives very specific direction, albeit in a big, global sense.   It says:

Be ruthlessly practical

in pursuit of

a MUCH higher ideal. 

 As most of you know, the Tarot deck I use is Legend, the Arthurian Tarot

In my story of the card, which depicts The Horse Fair, I see a young King Arthur having the brilliant insight that, to finally take the throne, and then to more effectively secure his kingdom, he must resurrect a strong cavalry wing (from the old Roman days) and make that the centerpiece of his armed forces. 

Having decided so, he would then have to go to Britain’s great horse fair and be ruthlessly objective in his examination of each animal, knowing that the future of Camelot might well rest on that very creature’s shoulders.   

So?  So: 


Envision your most exalted possibilities,

your highest potential achievement

your most deeply and dearly held hopes

for the Highest and Best. 


Set your goal

Then literally, practically, ruthlessly,

holding your nose to the necessary grindstone(s),

do the things required to achieve your will  − IF you are truly clear that your will is for the Highest and Best! 


Own your most amazing and idealistic dreams.  Exert the power YOU possess to pursue them through practical means.  (One horse at a time, if necessary.)  

Bright blessings and amazing achievements!

Quote for the Day:  If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about the answers. ~ Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow 

Today’s Weather:  Wheelywhomping paradiddles holding steady over the alleys, chimneys and the odd fruited plain. Wear blue patent Mary Janes. 

 On This Date: 1902A Trip to the Moon, considered one of the first science fiction films, is released in France.

Tarot Card ~ August 31

August 31, 2010


Percivale’s Vision

Fortune Cookie: Trust in your strength and draw on it.  Manage it well when you must, but draw on it.  Believe in your success.  And let your vision of WHAT CAN BE guide you higher and higher beyond the norm of what has been.

We last saw this card on the last day of June.  It’s always a fortunate card to turn up —  and it usually shows up not a moment too soon! 

To see the card: 

Obviously, this card betokens its own name: Strength, as well as courage and vitality.  Plus magnanimity − both toward you and emanating from you – [so feel free to send your favorite Tarot reader a beautiful and rare European antique-anything-expensive. Thank you.] [This smarmy message brought to you by the committee to help Neal look more like a grownup.] The card can also indicate perhaps the most perfect light touch of luck.  Yesssss!

Really pretty good stuff, then.   So TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT!  ALL OF IT!!  [Otherwise what are you reading this for?]

Where was I? 

[Come to that, Who was I?]

The Strength card is one of the most utterly positive cards in the deck.  And it does offer a few useful, specific recommendations.

It is very important that you do not underestimate your physical and emotional strength at this time, or doubt the power and durability of your connection to Universal Life Force – God, Spirit, The Big G, Mr. Dylan, Tyra, Peter O’Toole, der Cheney-Fuhrer or Whatever-You-Name-It. 

In other words, don’t down yourself out or assume less of yourself than you may actually be able to handle.  If opportunities come, REACH!  If challenges come, PUSH BACK!  Don’t just crawl under the bed and hide.

Believe in your ability to succeed and to attain that which you most desire, particularly in areas of physical healing and achievement and/or emotional connection and healing. 

Draw on your inner strength, which is truly far greater than you give yourself credit for.  So haul that butt up from under the bed. 

Right now!

I mean it.

We’re all waiting. 

Come on…


Much better.

Like many of us, you may need to begin investing some ongoing effort toward actually identifying and functionalizing your connection to your inner strength.  Our culture ain’t so good about that, unless you have forced yourself to march to the same “inner drummer” as everybody else.  Get to know your OWN connection to Source, and work with it.  

We have in us the brilliant, beautiful and eternal power of stars.  It’s up to us to find and focus it.

Anna-Marie Ferguson, creator of the Legend deck, feels this card indicates having the strength and vitality to realize one’s goals, and also ambition tempered with serenity – a gentle yet full strength. 

When I work with clients, I advise them about an additional level of meaning to this card in this particular deck.  I find this to be the card of the visionary – the individual who can see higher, farther, and deeper than others can. 

Sometimes, even more important, this is the person who can see (distinguish clearly) the trees for the forest and the forest for the trees.  So give yourself credit for being able to see things more clearly, and define things more accurately and truly, than the madding crowd around you. 

Own your ability to be the visionary who can, as Robert F. Kennedy so beautifully put it, “…dream things as they never were, and say why not?”  Or see things as they really are, and say, “Nuh-unh sucker!  We don’t play that way NO MORE!”

Trust in your strength and draw on it.  Manage it well when you must, but draw on it.  Believe in your success.  And let your vision of WHAT CAN BE guide you higher and higher beyond the norm of what has been.

Bright blessings, light, clarity and joy!

Quote for The Day:  I’m from a little place called England … We used to run the world before you. ~  Ricky Gervais

Today’s Whether:  Gobsmack Sallys running great dizzy circles all over every ole where.  Use the Twinkie defense.

On This Date:  1056Byzantine Empress Theodora becomes ill, dying suddenly a few days later, without children to succeed the throne, ending the Macedonian dynasty. [I hate it when that happens.]

Tarot Card ~ August 30

August 30, 2010

The Hermit

[the irony is not lost on me]

Lancelot in Exile


Fortune Cookie: Find the pure and beautiful light within you, acknowledge it, engage it, and begin bringing it out as a gift to and a healing for the world.

To see the card: http://strangerealms.

We last saw this card in early February.  Brrrr!

As I’ve said before whenever this card came up:

This would be a good time to remember that

~ each Tarot card has many facets to its meaning and

~ it can be important to tease out as many of the meanings as you can for yourself

~ including meanings that seems to contradict themselves

~ to get a sense of what you might need to be aware of on any given day

Is that sufficiently unclear?

Okay, let’s try it from another perspective.  As I have also said before:

There are lots of different Yous going on during even a single morning, let alone a whole day, a whole career, etc. 

Although you perceive yourself to be pretty much the same from morning till night, and day in and day out,

~ You’re likely a very different person with the paper boy who leaves your paper perfectly where you want it [you remember what a newspaper is, don’t you?]

~ than you are with the cats who keep lovingly flopping on the movie reviews as you try to read them. 

~ And you’re a different person with them than you are with the partner who always manages to be just a few minutes later for everything than you would like. 

~ And you’re different with her/him than you are with that whiney but important client who demands that you see her half an hour earlier than anybody else ever does (and then cancels).

~ or the lovely but dotty neighbor who always drives a bit over the edge of your lawn but gives you potted plants and flowers once a quarter in apology

~ and the other neighbor who is wonderful but keeps throwing sradines out for the dolphins, who grab them and eat them under (and leave leftovers all under) your porch.  Yech!

See?  LOTS of different Yous.

And that’s not even on a day fraught with emotional charge, elevated hopes, escalated fears, fat, sugar and alcohol.  Oh, wait.  Labor Day is… later. 

So what does that have to do with The Hermit? 




It’ll come to me. 

Oh.  Yeah.


As I’ve said before, you’d assume a card with a name like The Hermit would be pretty self-evident in its meaning, right?

Well, sort of.  For once.   In this case, anyway.  I mean, if you’ve been aching for some alone time away from the madding crowd to recuperate, get grounded and centered, this is definitely your card of permission in that regard.  [So, yeah, you can tell your boss it was all Neal’s fault you didn’t show for mandatory fun with your coworkers at the company blueberry fest, sewing circle and witch hunt today.]  But be sure to create and take advantage of favorable energies if you let yourself have the time and space this way today.  It will be valuable and helpful.

But the more specific applicability of The Hermit on any given day is that, when this card shows up in a reading, I’m most likely to say to a client,

Ah.  Yes.  Hermit.

It’s time to go really deep within yourself and do some much needed soul-searching. 

The intent will be to find the pure and beautiful light within you, acknowledge it, engage it, and begin bringing it out as a gift to and a healing for the world. 

Please see whether you don’t really resonate to that aspect of the card today.  In fact, go out of your way to try to resonate with it.  It’ll help you get through the day.  And your vibe will probably help everyone else in the process.

By the way, this card can also indicate a meeting with a wise person.  So don’t let that slip by if you perceive a likely opportunity.  [Maybe you know, like, a pretty good, like, Tarot reader or somethin’?  Or a new Magic Eight Ball?]

Find your light.  Shine it in the world. 

Bright BRIGHT Blessings!

Quote for the Day:  Message to anybody that missed me: work on your aim!  ~  NS

Today’s Weather: Bindernagles on the gloaming so brae.  N’ stuff.  

On This Date: 1797Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, English writer is born.

Two thumbs (belonging to other people) up!

Daily Tarot Takes a Break

August 18, 2010


The daily Tarot card will be takin’ a wee siesta, and will likely return sometime late next week.
For those needing a daily [or situational] intuitive tweak, here are a few suggestions:
1. Go to . Decide whether you would like a single card or three card oracle.  Let the wonderful Faeries’ Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica Macbeth work its magic.
 2. Go to . Decide whether you would like a single, double, triple card (or beyond) oracle and follow the instructions.
3. Follow step 2.  Note the cards you draw.  Go my blog site at   Go to the white SEARCH THIS SITE box in the right hand column. Type in a card you have drawn from another source (Cups are Cups. Swords are Swords. Wands or Staffs are Spears.  Pentacles or Coins are Shields.)  Make sure you put the card in quotation marks, ie, “Six of Tunas.” See what I wrote about the card you have pulled.
4. Flip a coin.     
Best wishes till next time.
Blessings and blissings!

Tarot Card for the Day ~ August 18

August 17, 2010

Queen of Spears


Fortune Cookie:  What is your unique personal sacred quest?  How can you recommit to it, know it more fully, and take a concrete step toward it today? How can you open to that in you which is compassionate, kind, healing, artistic, gentle, honorable, mystical – and let those qualities become the pillars of your strength?


To see the card: http://strangerealms.

We last saw this card less than a month ago.  It’s such a valuable card for our world at this time, and so congruent with what I’m seeing as a big need for so many clients, I’m grateful to have it come ’round again. 

Some readers find the Queen of Spears to be a dark, kind, friendly and honorable woman, or any person whose energy reflects those qualities. 







No.  No.  No!

Others see her as a person of deep spiritual strength, one who encourages the higher aspirations of others.  I like that.  Still others find her to be the archetypal shepherdess,  or one known for mysticism and visionary experiences. 

Okay.  I can work with that.

I perceive the Queen of Spears to be the card of the feminine sacred questAlthough most people don’t know it or remember it – even the ones who have read Arthurian legends since childhood – there was one lone woman who was among those who quested for the Holy Grail. 

She was Dindrane, Percivale’s sister.  A princess and an anchoress − in Christianity, a woman who chooses to withdraw from the world to live a solitary life of prayer − she was a most helpful director, motivator and advisor to the only three knights who did in fact ultimately achieve the Grail.  

In our culture, as in most cultures over the past 5,000 years, it is generally the guys who go off questing, pursuing the sacred, etc., etc., etc. blah, blah, blah.  Or at least it’s the fellas whose stories get told.  Time for that to change, and also time for us  penile Americans to aspire to, embrace and foster the divine feminine.

So today, and throughout the remaining summer season at the very least:

Ladies: each of you, what is your unique personal sacred quest?  How can you recommit to it, know it more fully, and take a concrete step toward it today?

Gentlemen: how can you open to that in you which is congruent with the energy of the Divine Feminine — compassionate, kind, healing, artistic, gentle, honorable, mystical – and let those qualities become the pillars of your strength?

Bright blessings and the touch of the beautifully and deeply sacred!

Quote for the Day:  The Universe is like the best dog you ever had.  It loves you and will fetch whatever you want.  But it can only fetch back what you throw. ~ Paraphrase of a teaching from years ago

[So focus on keeping your thoughts and wishes


Today’s Weather: Mungojerries ho!  Darn their socks! 

On This Date: 1909Mayor of Tokyo Yukio Ozaki presents Washington, D.C. with 2,000 cherry trees, which President Taft decides to plant near the Potomac River.

And: 1920 – The Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution is ratified, guaranteeing women’s suffrage.

Tarot Card for the Day ~ August 17

August 17, 2010

Page of Spears

The Hare

Fortune Cookie: Love and honor your inner mad artist.  Embrace and empower him or her today.  And begin that wonderful new… WHATEVER!


Hmm… yesterday’s card was the Page of Cups.  Today’s is the Page of Spears.  You know what that means, of course?  It’s a clear signal that it’s time to turn a new page.


I know I’ve said before, this little guy’s energy is ALWAYS welcome around here, although the last time we saw him was late March. [Yes, he WAS in fact being madder than a March hare.  So were we!] 

Some readers find this card signals a dark young man (person?), an envoy or postman, and therefore, NEWS!  So keep an eye out for any and all of those, if it feels right.

Others would see him as representing a strange message or a desire to learn new things or expand current knowledge.

Anna-Marie Ferguson, creator of the Legend deck, finds the Page of Spears to betoken stimulating communications [like you wish this was], arrival of good things, and a trustworthy, enthusiastic assistant, among other possibilities.  [I’ll take a dozen, God, please.  And a side of marketing director. To go.]

As a totem animal, Hare betokens joyfulness, enthusiasm, wonderful loopy abandon (Mad as a March Hare) and creativity, creation or procreation.  So this card asks that you release your inner wildandcrazyjoyfulartist, especially today.   


Yep!  Somethin’ like that!

Let yourself connect or reconnect with those elements of yourself and your life that encourage freedom, playfulness, creativity and JOY!

And as far as the procreation part is concerned, if you’ve been thinking about making a baby − or opening a new business or giving birth to a major new project or direction in life − Do It!  Do It!  Begin today!

Love and honor your inner mad artist.  Embrace and empower him or her today.  And begin that wonderful new… WHATEVER!

Bright, joyful, creative blessings!

Quote for the Day: There is no art without intoxication. But I mean a mad intoxication…. Art must make you laugh a little and make you a little afraid. Anything as long as it doesn’t bore~ Jean Dubuffet

 Today’s Weather: Heywilly-wollickey, pong and the old snookeroo.  Have a second latte.  

On This Date:  1908Fantasmagorie, the first animated cartoon, realized by Émile Cohl, is shown in Paris. [Now THAT’S Page of Spears energy!]

As Is: 1959 – Kind of Blue by Miles Davis, the much acclaimed and highly influential best selling jazz recording of all time, is released.

TextsFromLastNight:  Someone said, “We’re out of ice.” You collapsed on the spot and started sobbing, saying “But where will all the polar bears live?” THAT drunk.

Tarot Card for the Day ~ August 16

August 15, 2010

Page of Cups

The Salmon


Fortune Cookie: Know what wisdom you seek. Begin or ramp up your search or endeavor now.  And give your creativity more free play in your life.

Saw this fellow last toward the end of May.  It’s a card with counsel that’s good for a regular reminding.

In Celtic legend, Salmon was considered the wisest of all creatures.  He dwelt in a great well overhung by the Hazel, the tree of knowledge.  As the fruit (hazel nuts) of the tree dropped into the well, Salmon ate of them and grew greater and deeper and truer in wisdom.

When this card shows up for a client, I share about the legend and then say something like,

First of all, this card is a call to find meaningful opportunities to seek wisdom and increase your knowledge – scholarly pursuits may be perfect just now.  So get started on that immediately if you feel some call to do so. 

Beyond that, Page of Cups is a card of creativity.  So be prepared to explore how you may begin or expand creative projects starting today.   

And in many traditions,  The Fish represents spirituality.  Salmon is one of the only creatures on the Earth who returns to its place of  birth to procreate.  So this card speaks of a primal, powerful drive toward reconnection with Source − with the Divine, with Ultimate Reality, whatever name you choose to give to it.  Or perhaps a drive to return to a place you consider sacred — perfect at any time of the year, no?

Some readers find the Page of Cups represents

a fair young person,


an imaginative, reflective, inspiring friend

So if any of these pop up in meaningful ways today [including via an email Tarot card, already], eagerly accept the gifts they bring.        

What this card recommends and requests, all in all, is

Know what wisdom you seek.   

Begin or ramp up your search or endeavor now.

Give your creativity more free play in your life.

Open to very solid and inspiring reconnection with Source in beautiful, meaningful, transcendent ways.




Bright blessings, grace and peace!

Quote for the Day: Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.  ~ Buddha

Today’s Weather:  Piscatorial chinchillas posing as small aardvarks all amid the gloamin’ sa gae!  No lavash.  No kangaroos. 

On This Date:  1858 – U.S. President James Buchanan inaugurates the new transatlantic telegraph cable by exchanging greetings with Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom. [Hello, Vicky? It’s Jim. Do you have Prince Albert in a can?] 

Tarot Card for the Day ~ August 15

August 14, 2010

The Sun


Fortune Cookie: What are your wishes?  Stay conscious of those wishes as you go through your day.  Honor those wishes in positive ways.

To see the card:

 This card last turned up back in early May.  And it’s GREAT card for a sunny summer day.


There is so much hope in this card!  And that’s something we can all use lately.

It’s especially aimed at those − like I am, without any question or possible hope of plausible deniability − who would be deliriously happy with a card that says, “Grab a double espresso or two.  Crawl into a linen-lined cave till that bright, shiny thing in the sky dims a bit.  Then check to see if it’s safe to come out.”

Unh –UH!  NO!NO!NO! 

[God, Neal will you PLEASE turn down the print?  You’re giving yourself a headache again already.]  [Sorry.]  [Nitwit.]

This card is also appropriate for people who have been saying things like, “This isn’t working.  It really, really isn’t working.  What am I doing wrong?  In fact, what am I doing?  ‘Cos this thing here just don’t seem to be working no way.”

Well, let’s all pay attention.  Even me.  I.  Whatever.

On this morning, the Universal Sun will be cruising just outside all our bedroom windows, saying,



“The marigolds are blooming like crazy. The blue jays are competing for seed with everybody, especially the squirrels.  The cocker spaniel is off to the back of the garden to help the jays with the squirrels.  The hawks are soaring and seeking. 

“It really is amazingly beautiful out here!!  And there is so much AMAZING potential if we just open to it and connect!  LOOOOOOVE Your World!  Love Your Self!  LOOOOOOOOVE Your LIFE!  Yesterday’s gone.  Go after you most beautiful and beloved wishes!  Nooooow!!!!!!!!!!



Specifics?  Specifics??

Where’s your spirit of adventure?  Of exploration?  Of checking it out on Google?



Be that way. 

But only because I’m in a good mood.  So far.

It doesn’t take too much work to figure out that The Sun betokens joy, light, and clarity of vision.  Not to mention material happiness and general contentment.  A really lovely offering for any day, no?  So OWN that!

For me, The Sun is one of the two great wish cards of the deck. 

It says,

“You shall have happiness, health, wealth, peace and all good things

IF you are clear within yourself about what your wishes truly are

(now, not yesterday, not last year, not a decade ago)

AND you hold true to those wishes, moment by moment by moment throughout the day and throughout your life.” 

After all, the Universe can only give back to you what you put out as vibration.

Right? [How many people said OUCH!  Huh?]

And the Universe will judge what your wishes are in large part by that to which you GIVE YOUR ATTENTION, moment by moment by moment.  Right?  Right?  Right!

(By the way, in some interpretations, The Sun betokens an engagement. So if you’ve wanted to pop the question… just be sure it’s what you REALLY WISH!)

What is your wish? 

What are your wishes? 

How can you stay conscious of those wishes as you go through your day? 

How can you honor those wishes in positive ways

Hold your wishes as your focus − even as you go through all the activity, priorities and sheer STUFF you must attend to as you do what you must to deal with your day. 


See the beauty. 


Brightest blessings and superb wishcraft!

Quote for the Day:  I wish I had an answer to that, because I’m tired of answering that question.   ~ Yogi Berra

Today’s Weather:  A gnome-and-a-half puttering about in the east garden.  Send in peanut butter and pepperoni on lavash with hard lemonade — if you’re smart.    

On This Date: 1945 – World War II: Victory over Japan DayJapan surrenders.  [In 1989, the Japanese buy Rockefeller Center.]

For those who need a bit of lightening up this morning, here’s an animation of one of my favorite Goon Show clips [I’m always looking to create new Goon addicts. Ummm…. FANS]:

Tarot Card for the Day ~ August 14

August 13, 2010

Ace of Spears

The Grail Lance

Fortune Cookie: Be clear in what you want.  Be clear about the why of it.  Go after it evenly, directly, the way anyone with a strong, positive masculine  energy  would.

We last saw this card around the end of January.  I suppose that helps explain my general lack of focus since then [he said, grasping at straws].

As those of you who have read this blog for even only a few days will likely remember, Aces in any Tarot deck are cards of a new beginning.  So, let’s ask again (and again and again, from time to time as the Universe recommends it):

~ How can you − how do you need to begin your life anew, today, this moment?

~ What changes can you begin, even in small ways? 

~ What potentials can you believe in, hope for, reach for and remember?

Expect The Universe will keep asking that question until you (yes, you!  Don’t try to weenie out of it this time!) truly remember to ask that same, powerful question over and over again as a part of who you are!

Some readers feel the Ace of Spears has to do with invention or creation, and perhaps with an inheritance.  Anna-Marie Ferguson, creator of the Legend deck, finds mental activity, revelation and beginning anew to be elements of the card’s meaning.  

[So ’scuse me while I have a revelation.  Humteedum Deedum.  Humtedee Deedum.  Humtedeedeeedeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Deeedum.  Ahummmmmmmmmmm.  Thank you.]

I believe the Ace of Spears asks for two things when it appears. 

~ First, it reminds you to become very clear within yourself about something you want or some goal you would achieve.  It is, therefore, important that you know specifically what you want to go after – perhaps some major wish in life, or perhaps just a current, interim, in-the-moment thing that will be helpful or fulfilling for a short time, or serve as a useful next step. 

It is equally important that you be clear about why you want it.  What are your true motivations, and are they really for the highest and best? So this card is also about being conscious of what you would do and have, and of your impact on the world.  I think we could all spend a little more time on this one.  Or a lot more, if we were smart.  Oh well.

~ Then, once that first, more internal step is completed, the Ace of Spears directs you to use strong, clean, clear, non-repressive and non-repressed masculine energy as your model − think Dalai Lama, maybe? – and simply go after your wish or goal confidently, firmly and directly.  (So it’s assertive rather than aggressive.)  Know what you want for a new beginning.  Pursue it.  Yourself.  Today!

What is your new beginning?  Be clear in what you want.  Be clear about the why of it.  Go after it directly, the way anyone with a strong, positive masculine drive would.  Do something concrete about it today. 

Bright blessings and blissings and beautiful, knowing beginnings!

Quote for the Day: Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. ~ Dalai Lama

Today’s Weather:  Mordantly trymmed dragonwycks; wackyrs all ’round. And blessed be the beernuts. 

On This Date: 1888 – A recording of English composer Arthur Sullivan‘s The Lost Chord, one of the first recordings of music ever made, is played during a press conference introducing Thomas Edison‘s phonograph in London.


[everybody makes mistakes]

[I didn’t know they allowed you to text in ambulances.] 

Tarot Card for the Day ~ August 13

August 12, 2010

Three of Cups

The Dressing of the Sacred Spring

Fortune Cookie: Own your power.  Help empower others.  Seek others whose goodness and LIGHT is empowering to you.  And do it in a joyful, celebratory way.  Today! 

To see the card:

A card from right around the end of April.  As I said sometime or other, “Hmmm…  At least several times recently, we’ve seen cards cycling back from mid-to-late April.  This would have me suggest you take a look at what was going on then and see whether you, too are repeating some sort of cycle — and, if so, what might you wanna do about it?  So give that a bit of thought over the next couple days.  Eh?

Now, back to our regularly-scheduled… stuff.”  

Always grateful to see this card.  It’s such a breath of fresh air, hope and goodness. 

A good card to savor and contemplate, and keep in mind as we begin to finish off the energy of summertime for this year.

First off, please remember that threes in any Tarot deck are power cards, or rather, that the issue the card is addressing is one of power, even if it doesn’t seem so on the surface.  Typically, a three would offer counsel such as

~ beware of power games,

~ be prepared for power struggles,

~ watch out for failure to own your power  −

   or, better,






~ have a care against disempowerment

   in any area of life, whether by the action

   of others, or by your own action

   or inaction 

~ empower yourself

~ empower those you love and believe in

~ accept the challenge of owning all of

   what you are and who you can be

Simple, really.  [And I should know, being pretty simple m’self.]

The Three of Cups is a card of blessing.  It’s very positive in the potential it bespeaks.  

Some readers find it to be a card of plenty, merriment or solace.  Others see it speaking of victory or celebration with friends.

Anna-Marie Ferguson, creator of the Legend deck, writes of the Three of Cups as acknowledging blessings, the realization of a dream, or festivities and bounty.

I see it as a card of empowerment, fruitful completion and healing.  How are these things to be fostered and achieved?    By engaging in heartfelt, beautiful and joyful sacred celebration with those of like mind and soul. 

Please, today, take some time, even if just a moment, to connect with those in your circle who are positive, supportive and helpful − who inspire hope and joy and all good things in your life – even if it’s just by elf phone, even if it’s only for a minute. 

Share something or share about something you can celebrate together. 

Don’t forget to include your Spirit Guides, guardian angels, absent gurus, loving friends or even family members who have passed from this realm as you open to sharing and celebration.  And let yourself be empowered by what transpires.

Remember that the Celts believed (and still believe) the Divine is present in every place, everything  and everyone – including you and what you are doing now, and everywhere you will go and everything you will do today.  So GIVE YOURSELF THAT!

Own your power.  Help empower others.  Seek others whose goodness and LIGHT is empowering to you.  And do it in a joyful, celebratory way.  Today!  (Perfect excuse for celebration with good people!)

Bright blessings, joy and CELEBRATION!

Quote for the Day:  Millionaires don’t have astrologers.  Billionaires do. ~ J. P. Morgan  [ALWAYS worth repeating.]

Today’s Weather:  Mild bogles.  Pocket a bag of faerie dust and wapp it all about during the day! That’ll teach the buggers!

On This Date: 1889 – German Ferdinand von Zeppelin patents his “Navigable Balloon.

Hey, JC!!!