Archive for November 10th, 2008

Tarot Card for the Day ~ November 11

November 10, 2008

Eight Of Spears


The White Hart


Ah, yes.  Another card wherein my interpretation veers semi-wildly off in a direction of its own. My offering about this card is based on a Shamanic Journey I once did asking about its meaning.   


I see the Eight of Spears as the card of utter, total complete liberation.  It’s an indicator that it is time for you to explore for yourself:


how it is that you may give yourself

more freedom to

go where you want to go

when you want to go there

by the means and

at the speed of your own choosing.


Given that, you KNOW my questions if you were my client would start with something like, “SO!  How are you keeping yourself confined?  How are you confining yourself in ways that are no longer appropriate for who you have become and what you may give to the world?  How can you open yourself to a liberation − in your thinking, your behavior, your belief in what is possible and your understanding of how you may go about achieving that possibility?”


A little personal insight may be useful here.  Lately, I’ve been very stuck where my fiction writing is concerned.  Today I had a small brain blast that said (Humphrey Bogart voice), “Why don’t you take that short story you liked, from that old magazine you picked up at Half Price Books this summer, and rewrite the thing your own way?”  I thought, “Oh, great!  Plagiarism already!  If I had any REAL talent…”  To which the Bogey voice replied, “If you had any real talent for listening to your intuition you’d get off your butt, find the magazine and get to work.  You know as well as I do that your story wouldn’t go two lines without veering off in a completely different direction.  And it might even break your slump.  Get to work.” 


I’ll let you know how that comes out.  But it is an indication of how you MAY NEED to try something different, and maybe even a little uncomfortable, to free yourself up so you can move along YOUR path.    



Bright blessings!