Archive for February 27th, 2011

Tarot Card ~ February 28

February 27, 2011

Ten of Shields


Fortune Cookie:  Look for the right GROUP energy to become part of so you will receive the right kind of support as you move onward and upward in your life.


 Very interesting card.  Always a very interesting card − at least when I have seen it.   It last showed up for us on the first day of November.  Truly a different time in the world. 

For those of you who are regulars to these posts, you know I’m about to say something like

Tens in any Tarot deck betoken the end of one cycle and the beginning of another, or even the end of one way of life and the beginning of another.  So, if I were reading for you today and this card came up, I’d ask [like I did Tuesday]:

How do the things you have been experiencing – and more importantly, how do the things you have begun to long for in life just now – represent a strong message to you that you must allow yourself to acknowledge the end of a cycle and the powerful potential for you to move into something wonderful and new, even miraculous? 

How can you keep that in front of you,

and not just for today? 

How can you let today be part of something new that you BEGIN TODAY but may continue to pursue for some time to come?

Some readers see the Ten of Shields as gain, riches, or having to do with family abode.  Okey-dokey.  Us likes riches an’ gains, us do!

Anna-Marie Ferguson, creator of the Legend deck, indicates this card is about  affluence, riches, inheritance, and possibly clan gatherings.  As my grandmother often used to say about clan gatherings, “Always glad to see you all come.  Even happier to see you all go!”  If you had seen my family, you’d be right with her on that.



I see the Ten of Shields as saying:

Time for a change. 

Possibly time for a BIG change. 

In pursuing that change, don’t look for the right person to help bring it about. 

Look for the right groups and circles and organizations – possibly new ones to you – to become part of.

Be very careful to evaluate the GROUP energy or the GROUP dynamics of where you are and where you need to be. 

If you were interviewing for a new job (or exploring a new spiritual circle, or new club), it wouldn’t be anywhere NEAR enough to evaluate whether it felt like your prospective new boss (or leader, or pastor, or teacher, whatever) would be good to work with.  

You’d really want to explore and be sure that the energy of the greater team, group, circle or organization felt positive, clean, imbued with integrity, excitement, spirit – whatever you need a boost of right now.


Be open to the possibility that some element of your life is grinding its way to an end. 

Understand that it may simply be TIME for that to happen – no judgment or negative feeling attached to that reality.  Just a necessity in your evolution.

Then look for the right GROUP energy to become part of so that it will be supportive of you as you move onward and upward in your life.

Bright blessings and REALLY GOOD group connections!

Quote for the Day:  Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress.  But I repeat myself.  ~ Mark Twain 

Today’s Weather:  Tweedlepop storms and roaring torbies. Carry a SuperSoaker full of Schweppes bitter wampeter.    

On This Date: 1883 – The first vaudeville theater opens in Boston, Mass.

Tarot Card ~ February 27

February 27, 2011

The Lovers

Gareth & Lyones

Fortune Cookie: When you have choices to make today, look for PERFECT partnership.  You deserve it, and you should not settle for less. 

Haven’t seen this card since early April. So here it is, not a moment too soon.

I always get the biggest kick out of clients who come to me and ask, “How can I find THE lover who is MY soul mate ?” And I always take more than my fair share of grinchly delight in asking,

“You do realize what you are asking… what that REALLY means, right?  You do realize that your soul mate is the ONE PERSON who can ‘help you’ learn the most lessons the fastest.  Right?  As in, the ONE PERSON who can hit every single one of your hot buttons all at one time without even trying at all. RIGHT?  THAT’S what you’re looking for, IZZZIT?”

The expressions I get in response are priceless. 

Think about it, [even though it is a Sunday].

Anyway, as I have said before when this card turned up, if you REALLY need to know what The Lovers portends as a daily card, you more ’n likely need greater, deeper and more intensive help than I can provide.  Nevertheless…  

Some readers see this card as a harbinger of attraction, love, beauty, and trials overcome.  Others believe it speaks of fidelity.


Anna-Marie Ferguson, creator of the Legend deck, finds lots of wonderful things in this card, among them the blossoming of a valuable and balanced relationship or a connection on a higher level. 

So yes, The Lovers is at the very least the card of a good, solid, balanced, loving relationship − one that is comfortable, open and committed, if not necessarily intimate.  Platonic will, in fact, do very nicely.  [Don’t throw things at the monitor.  I’m just the messenger.] 

When I work with clients and this card comes up, I tell them they are being guided to look for perfect partnerships in whatever areas of life they may be asking about. 

And I remind them to bear in mind that partnerships are not just about people. 

A perfect partnership can be the right romantic partner at the right time, certainly.

 But it can also be

~ the right working relationship (boss or assistant) or

~ the right work,

~ the right opportunity,

~ the right client(s),

~ the right doctor,

~ the right book,

~ the right business location,

~ the right prayer,

~ the right meditative practice,

~ the right sacred space,

~ the right Springer spaniel puppy or even

~ the right Tarot reader  [This advertisement brought to you by the committee to keep Neal out of debtor’s prison. Ǔbest Hǘǜry Ubet, Secretary.]

So when you have choices to make today, AND in the foreseeable future, look for PERFECT partnership.  You deserve it, and you should not settle for less.

Bright and perfect blessings!

Quote for the Day:  See? This is why I’m not religious. I couldn’t possibly keep my mouth shut long enough to get along with everyone else. ~ Jim Butcher 

Today’s Weather:  Mild intergalactic whackdoodles as an early test for 12/21/12. Put a fried boomerang over your lintel for protection.

On This Date: 1812 – Lord Byron gives his first address as a member of the House of Lords, in defense of Luddite violence against Industrialism in his home county of Nottinghamshire.

This is the 58th day of the year.