Archive for February 22nd, 2011

Tarot Card ~ February 22

February 22, 2011
Seven of Cups

The Questing Beast

Fortune Cookie: Go after the joy. Seek it, quest after it, demand it!  And for pity’s sake, at least be sure you can actually define what it is − or what it would be, if you had your druthers − for you.

 So are we ready to pay attention? Huh?  Huh?  Eh?

That’s good, because it’s an important card with a very solid reminder.  A reminder of what?  

A reminder that we [most of us who are over five years old, ennyway] really need to work on joyfulness in our lives.  I know.  Sounds couter-intuitive.  Right?  Well, toobad payattention.

So.  Joyfulness. My advice would be to stop reading this, have a Guiness or a Mimosa or a tequila sunrise or an Irish coffee or some God Bud pancakes or strawberry cough brownies, or a…

Oh, wait.  Wrong blog.  Right audience, maybe, but wrong blog.



Anyway, we really need to work on joyfulness in our lives.

This is another card where my interpretation may diverge a tidly, tadly [or rather substantial] bit from that of other readers.  And I’m pretty joyful about it.

Some see the Seven of Cups as recommending opening to visions through contemplation. [My astrologer Mary Ellen tells me this is a big year for me in that realm. Guess I better clean out the meditation room.]

Mustn’t argue with that, ever, unless you’re ready to have the Storm Troopers of Light come kick yer butt all across the floor, not to mention several dimensions, with at least one of them being Texas.  And gold lamé spacesuits with emerald wings and ruby go-go boots first thing in the morning is more than I can handle.   



Some readers find the card dictates that the querent (questioner) has a choice to make, and must decide upon one of various options. [Like where to put the old canoe, kayac, Yuletide tree and life-size statues of Grover Cleveland and Teddy Roosevelt now that I’m clearing out the meditation room?]

Anna-Marie Ferguson, creator of the Legend deck, sees this card as betokening – among other things − fantasy, whims or perhaps a bizarre turn of events.  Right up my alley.  [My office cat refers to my desk as the Bizar Bazar.] 

I see the Seven of Cups as the card of utter, total complete joy and joyful abandon. 

There may be some need to stay at least a bit grounded, so you DON’T go completely off into the realm of fantasy in a    

 ҉     ҉     ҉   Wow, look at all the pretty colors!   ҉    ҉    I’ll betcha I can too live on air and rainbows and weird pancakes    ҉     ҉     ҉  !”  kinda scenario.

But [but! but! but! but! but!] this is also the card of Fairy Favors, creativity and clear vision around attaining true desires. [Legally.] (And, as I said to a client in a recent reading, it really does imply that you’re going to do some meaningful work on defining and owning what your TRUE desires in this life actually are!)

And this can be a great, great time to do some wishcraft around becoming reacquainted with the Green Fey Friends down the garden way now that Winter is icumen in, and work to re-earn the Fairy Favors they offer.

So go after the joy. Seek it, quest after it, demand it!  And for pity’s sake, at least be sure you can actually define what it is − or what it would be, if you had your druthers − for you.

Let yourself renew your belief in and commitment to your happiness, and be open to the myriad magical ways the universe may offer to bring it to you.  Let yourself be open to surprises and miracles in that regard.  And open to a little Fairy Magic today! 

Joy!  Joy!  Joy!

And JOY!!!

Bright blessings! 

And don’t forget joy!

Quote for the Day: There are any number of magical creatures, mostly female, whose singing can bring about horror and death. Sirens, undines, banshees, Bananarama tribute bands…Simon R. Green from Nightingale’s Lament

Today’s Weather:  Kinkajous ice skating down at the puddle. Charming little blighters. Warms the cockles o’ me heart, does.  No, COCKLES

On This Date: 1797 – The Last Invasion of Britain begins near Fishguard, Wales.

Well.  A card that actually makes perfect sense for a deep winter day [in Ohio, anyway]!  But it’s a GREAT and also actually useful card for consideration any day at all.  At all.  Any.