Tarot Card for the Day ~ November 8

Ten of Cups





As I said recently, “Hmmmmm…”  Less than a week ago, we had The Sun, which I consider one of the two great WISH cards of the deck.  This is the other one.


So, similar to what we found for November 2, Ten of Cups says:

You shall have comfort, joy, healing and delight − perhaps through what may seem almost miraculous intervention –

IF you are clear within yourself about what your wishes truly are,

IF you truly believe in the goodness and the justness of your wishes,

IF you allow yourself to believe in miracles,

AND you hold true to your quest, moment by moment by moment, no matter how hopeless it may seem, no matter how misunderstood you and your quest may be by everyone else. 


The Universe smiles on those who stretch the fabric of our reality by thoroughly embracing the miraculous in their existence.  (It can’t be a half-assed embrace, mind!) 

So, it might be very useful to go through today repeating (at least) a thousand times,

I create miracles.

Because you do, with every breath, every thought, every hope, every smile.

Let the Universe see that you believe it, and watch what unfolds.

By the way, yesterday’s card was The Holy Grail.  Corbenic is one name given to the Grail Castle in some versions of the Arthurian legends.

Bright blessings!

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